Click on the menu categories right below for more forms!
  • Construction Bid & Estimation Forms
  • Construction Invoices & Billing Forms
  • Construction Change Order & Extra Work Order Forms
  • Residential Construction Contract Forms
  • Commercial Construction Contract Forms
  • Construction Contract Addendums & Attachment Forms
  • Construction Salesperson Contract Forms
  • Construction Lien Releases & Waiver Forms
  • Construction Contractor Office Forms
  • Construction Contractor Operations Forms
  • Construction Subcontracting Forms
  • Construction Labor Warranty Forms
  • Construction Insurance Restoration Forms
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  • Under Construction

    We have the forms for your Construction Business... give us a call!

Hold Harmless From Customer Refused Recommendations

Hold Harmless From Hazardous Materials

Addendum For Matching Existing Conditions & Finishes

Cost Of Work Addendums for T & M and Cost Plus Work

Project Allowances Addendum

List Of Suppliers 

List of Subcontractors

Payment Schedule

Joint Control Addendum


  • Assignment Of Benefits
  • Completion Certification Form
  • Contingency Agreements
  • Damage Mitigation Agreements
  • Estimate Forms
  • Flood Damage Forms
  • Mold Remediation
  • Recoverable Depreciation Invoice
  • Releases For Mortgage & Direct Pay
  • Restoration Agreements
  • Restoration Specification Form
  • Roof Repair Order Paid By Insurance Proceeds
  • Supplements or Additional Work Authorization



TIP: Use a separate Painting Bid Form or Painting Bid Proposal Form for your estimates like those on this page instead of using a combined Painting Proposal and Contract form. Most painting contractors get lazy on this because they view the "selling" part of contracting as a bother rather than as being crucial to the success of their painting business. Most painting contractors just want to get the bid over with and, to them, making one trip is better than two. The Painting Proposal/Contract form is designed as one form combining the painting bid (one step) and the painting contract (second step) together into one trip to see the customer. Your painting bid presentation will be MUCH MORE SUCCESSFUL when you include marketing and sales documents like one of our painting bid proposal forms instead of legal documents like painting contracts and agreements or painting proposal/contracts. Keep in mind that until your customer gives you their signature, you are just a SALESPERSON for your painting business. No professional salesperson in construction worth anything would ever complicate a sales presentation by introducing "legalese" contained in a painting proposal/contract into his/her sales efforts. You need to show why the customer should pick your company to do their paint job because of the benefits you can provide that the competition cannot. You do not want the customer to make their buying decision based on the legal "boilerplate" your painting contract has compared to the other guys! After all, a properly written painting contract should benefit the contractor (you) and should be designed to protect your interests . . . and the customer can easily see this! Remember you are not just "dropping off a paint bid" you are selling painting services to the customer and that means showing the customer the benefits you are giving THEM not YOU!

Make it easy for your potential painting customer to choose you over the other guy. Our painting bidding forms like our interior painting bid proposal and our exterior painting bid proposal are a great place to start! After you get the ok to proceed with the paint job then bring out the legal stuff (painting contracts), not before! This two-step sales process WILL SELL MORE OF THE JOBS YOU BID ON and that is what it is all about!

2025 Painting Bid and Estimate Forms For Painting Contractors

Scroll Down for SAMPLES!
  • Painting Estimate Form
  • Painting Contractor Bid Form
  • Painting Bid Proposal Forms.
  • Exterior Painting Bid and Estimate Forms
  • Interior Painting Bid and Estimate Forms
  • Commercial Painting Bid and Estimate Forms
  • Painting Subcontractor Bid and Estimate Forms

Painters... Your painting bid form, proposal form or estimate form tells the customer much about your painting business and is a crucial part of your bidding success. 

For maximum success, your painting bid presentation to the customer should include:

1. A neat, organized bid written on a professionally designed painting bid form like our XBP(Exterior Painting Bid Proposal Form), IBP(Interior Painting Bid Proposal Form) or BP1(Painting Bid Proposal) which are shown below. The painting bid form should NOT CONTAIN any legal "stuff". Save the legal "stuff" for the painting contract not the bid. Your object here is to convince the customer that you are the best painting contractor, painting subcontractor, painter, or painting company to do their paint job, not to "lay down the law" with legal notices, terms and conditions.

2. If there are existing problem areas in the painted surfaces, include photos of the problem areas and next to these, tell your customer how you will fix these problems in detail. Our form IPS (Inspection Photo Sheet) and ACT Contractors Forms Software allows you to take digital photos of the problem areas and easily drag and drop these photos directly onto the IPS form. From there you can print the photos out on the IPS form and include this into your painting bid presentation. Remember the saying "one picture is worth a thousand words"? Photos strengthen your painting bid. . . PERIOD!

3. If the project can best be illustrated to the customer in a drawing, include one! Use our form PSH (plan sheet), shown below, to quickly make drawings of the painting project area(s).

4. Always include a Painting Job References Sheet. . . our form JRS shown below. List all your happy customers here so that your potential customer knows you are capable of doing and FINISHING their paint job and that theirs is just one of many successful paint jobs you have completed in the past. Even better. . . Place job photos next to the customer. You can easily update and create job references and add photos using ACT Contractors Forms Software.

5. Include a copy of your painting limited labor warranty and any paint manufacturers warranty for the products you will be applying! Why? Because it shows your commitment to the paint job being done right. It shows that you, as well as the makers of the paint products you are using, will stand behind your work. Our form WC2 or CWC2 (Painting Limited Workmanship Warranty) works great for this.

ACT Contractors Forms Software makes it easy to create a painting bid presentation that wins by including ALL the forms listed in 1-5 above (and many more forms) and with our form software, you can  easily add photos to any form!


You may order our products using the secure, "LIVE HELP" tab  to the right or by phone at    1-800-820-5656.
If you have any questions please call. Our phone hours are Monday thru Friday, 7:30am to 8:00pm Pacific
(we are located in California).

Toll Free 1-800-820-5656
(707) 242-7168
We don't "hide" from you, behind our website! Give us a call, we answer our phones and your questions! 

Email Contact Page

ACT CONTRACTORS FORMS OFFERS THE FOLLOWING 11 PAINTING CONTRACTOR BID  PROPOSAL FORMS AND RELATED PAINTER ESTIMATE FORMS TO MEET EVERY SITUATION The forms below are included in the full version of ACT Contractors Forms Software and most are also available as fillable pdf forms and as printed multi-part paper forms.

Click on Thumbnails below to see LARGER samples...

  • BP1- Bid Proposal Form "Blank" Painting Bid Proposal Form to property owner or agent that can be used for any type of paint job including commercial.
  • BP2- Subcontractor Bid "Blank" Painting Bid Proposal Form for painting subcontractor giving bid to a General Contractor or agent.
  • IBP- Interior Painting Bid Proposal Form given to property owner or agent.
  • IBP1- Interior Painting Bid Proposal Form with estimate table given to property owner or agent
  • IPS- Inspection Photo Sheet for bidding paint jobs. Add Photos to your bid or other documents for clarification or illustration.
  • JRS- Job Reference Sheet for marketing & sales. List happy customers and add credibility to your painting company and to your painting work.
  • PSH-Job Drawing Sheet for making simple drawings to illustrate areas on a painting project.
  • RFB- Request for Bid from a possible subcontractor on your job.
  • RFM- Request for a Material Price from a possible material supplier on your painting project.
  • XBP- Exterior Painting Bid Proposal Form given to property owner or agent. 
  • XBP1- Exterior Painting Bid Proposal Form given to property owner or agent. 


Click on the THUMBNAILS right above to see a LARGER Sample.

             Contact ACT Contractors Forms at 1.800.820.5656